
Adaptive optics 3D-AO-SIM for fast 3D super-resolution SIM imaging of fixed and live tissues

Project 2 - Ana Rita Faria

University of Oxford


(1) Develop a low cost, portable SR-SIM solution

(2) Implement adaptive optics (developed at the Booth Lab, Oxford) to an upright SIM setup (Deep-SIM) developed at the Micron Oxford Advanced Bioimaging Unit

(3) Apply 3D-AO-SIM imaging to precision cut liver slices

(4) Image cells within tissue and their interaction with small molecules, nanoparticles in perfused, precision cut liver slices by 3D AO-SIM

Expected Results:

(1) Deep-SIM setup with adaptive optics and fast SLM pattern generation operational to enable aberration-free 3D-SIM imaging of fixed cells demonstrated (<150nm xy <400 nm z-resolution)

(2) high resolution and high speed SR-SIM imaging of 3D structure of LSECs in 3D cell culture in vitro demonstrated (1 3D fps)

(3) interactions of small molecules and nanoparticles with LSECs in perfused sinusoids demonstrated


Project Lead:
Dr. Lothar Schermelleh

Early Stage Researcher:
Ana Rita Faria

Ana Rita Faria is a Portuguese DPhil student in the Biochemistry Department of the University of Oxford under the supervision of Dr. Lothar Schermelleh. She started her project in October 2018 as an Early Stage Researcher within the DeLIVER network.
Before moving to the UK, Rita was studying Biomedical Engineering at the University of Minho (Portugal) as part of a Master Internship Programme of the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL). In her Masters project, she was researching anticancer drug delivery systems using advanced fluorescence spectroscopy and imaging techniques.
Rita’s project within the DeLIVER network is focused on establishing the application of adaptive optics implemented on a bespoke upright structured illumination microscope (Deep-SIM)developed at the Micron Oxford Advanced Bioimaging Unit. This setup will allow aberration-free 3D super-resolution imaging in extended depth of up to 50 µm, thus enabling the study of 3D cell culture and tissues. The main aim is to image liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (LSECs), their fenestrae dynamics and interaction with small molecules and nanoparticles.
When she’s not in the lab, you will find her enjoying the (more often than expected) sunny days that Oxford has to offer, going for weekend trips with lots of hiking, camping and climbing.