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PhD in Physics

The Department of Physics at the University of Gothenburg is located on the main campus of Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, with a total of some 80 employees. The communication routes are good both nationally and internationally. The researching focuses within the fields of Atom- and Molecular Physics, Condensed Matter Physics and Spintronics, and Complex Systems and Biophysics and is performed in an international environment with extensive national and international collaborations. The education programs at the Department include Bachelor- and Master programs in Physics, physics teacher-training programs, as well as outreach courses in Physics aimed for the general public. Gothenburg Physics Centre is a close collaboration with four other departments within the Faculty of Science and Chalmers University of Technology creates an innovative environment for all researchers and students at the department.

For further information about the Department of Physics, please visit our website at More information about Gothenburg Physics Centre can be found at

The research will be conducted in an interdisciplinary research group at the University of Gothenburg, led by Caroline Beck Adiels (cell biologist) and Mattias Goksör (physicist) in close collaboration with a neighbouring group led by Giovanni Volpe. By means of optical and microfluidic technology, the group seeks to answer different research questions originating in biology and life science ( The research group is now hiring a PhD student that will be involved in the EU consortium DeLiver.

DeLiver is a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN) that include 6 academic and 3 industrial beneficiaries, represented in 6 European countries. This multidisciplinary collaboration combines research within optical physics and biomedicine with the aim of developing novel technologies to perform structural and functional studies (on nano-scale) of the pores of endothelial cells. In mammals, these pores constitute the fundamental barrier between the blood circulation and vital organs.  (More information can be found here: